Authority Magazine Shares G&A Insights on Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

Authority Magazine’s recent article on the Great Resignation and how to attract and retain top talent features advice from a G&A expert, who emphasizes the importance of a diversity, equity and inclusion strategy and an employee-centric culture.

In this installment of “The Labor Shortage & The 5 Things We Must Do to Attract & Retain Great Talent” series, author Phil La Duke interviews a G&A expert about how to reverse trends from the Great Resignation and what employees are looking for beyond a paycheck.

The article discusses how employees have felt underappreciated, underdeveloped, poorly managed and void of development opportunities for several years, which contributed to the Great Resignation. The impact of unhappy employees is significant, the article states, and costs companies $450 to $500 billion each year.

Employers can reverse these trends by listening to their employees and “giving them the trust, autonomy, and support they need” to be successful, G&A’s expert says. Engaging employees through open communication, development opportunities, and better leadership can lead to “lower turnover, absenteeism, and safety issues.”

Insights offered based on G&A’s expertise include:

  • Encouraging employers to focus on a diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies, which “yield good business results. … People aren’t going to feel valued if they don’t feel like they belong.”
  • Providing leaders with training and helping them focus on their people as a recent survey reported that almost 60% of employees quit because of their managers.
  • Ensuring employees have defined career paths and professional development opportunities that will “always challenge and grow your employees.”
  • Communicating openly with your employees and asking them what’s working and what needs to be changed.

Addressing each of these issues leads to building an employee-centric culture, where employees feel “empowered, respected, and belong.” The article notes that companies with employees who are highly engaged are 65% more profitable than other companies.

Read the article here for more of G&A’s insights.