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When Should a Company Outsource HR? 5 Signs it Might Be Time

For many business owners, deciding when you should outsource HR can be challenging. But if navigating the complexities of HR is starting to feel like a constant tug-of-war, it might be time to look into the option. Between managing payroll, ensuring compliance with ever-evolving labor laws, and working to find (and administer) competitive employee benefits, the demands of HR can quickly consume valuable time and resources. It can also distract you from focusing on what matters most – growing your business.

However, feeling overwhelmed isn’t the only sign it might be time to outsource HR. In this article, we’ll explore additional factors that indicate it might be time to consider HR outsourcing, and we’ll outline how doing so can streamline your operations, reduce costs, and ultimately help your business thrive.

A woman in a black blazer looks down at a tablet while four coworkers point pens at the screen.

When should a company outsource HR?

The truth is, it can be difficult to know when you should outsource HR – especially if you’re a small or mid-sized business owners accustomed to wearing multiple hats.

Here are five key indicators that it might be time to consider HR outsourcing:

1. Cost-Prohibitive In-House HR

The costs associated with hiring qualified HR professionals, investing in HR technology, and managing ongoing training and compliance can quickly add up. Outsourcing HR can offer a more cost-effective solution by providing access to a team of HR experts and advanced technology without the hefty price tag. This approach allows you to allocate resources more efficiently, investing in areas that directly contribute to your business growth and success.

2. Mounting Administrative Burdens

    As businesses grow, the administrative workload can become overwhelming. Tasks such as payroll, benefits administration, and compliance with local, state, and federal regulations can consume valuable time and resources. If your team is spending more time on HR duties than on core business activities, outsourcing can alleviate this burden.

    3. High Employee Turnover

    Frequent employee turnover and difficulty attracting top talent are significant challenges, especially for small and medium size businesses. High turnover not only disrupts operations and lowers morale, but it also leads to increased costs associated with recruiting, hiring, and training new staff. If you’re losing valuable employees to competitors that focus on employee satisfaction and offer more attractive benefits packages, it might be time to reconsider your HR strategy.

      At G&A Partners, we work with our clients to understand the root causes of turnover so we can help them implement effective strategies to improve employee retention.

      In addition, many professional HR outsourcing partners, including G&A, provide access to top-tier, affordable employee benefits packages, including competitive medical, dental, vision, and retirement plans. Providing these Fortune 500-level benefits can make your business more attractive to potential hires and help you stay competitive in the job market – allowing you to retain your top talent and avoid the costly cycle of turnover and rehiring.

      4. Compliance Challenges

      Keeping up with constantly changing employment laws can be confusing and time-consuming – but failing to do so can lead to costly penalties and even legal issues. An HR outsourcing provider can help you stay up to date with regulations, mitigating your risk of noncompliance and allowing you to focus on growing your business. This expertise is especially crucial for businesses operating in multiple states or with remote workers, as compliance requirements can vary widely.

      5. Inadequate HR Technology

      Outdated or manual HR processes can lead to inefficiencies and errors. As one of the many benefits of outsourcing HR, you gain access to modern, integrated technology solutions that automate time-consuming tasks such as payroll processing and onboarding. This not only improves accuracy but also enhances the overall employee experience by streamlining processes.

        To learn more about when your company should outsource HR, contact G&A Partners.

        When should an organization choose not to outsource?

        As an HR outsourcing provider, we recognize there are times when outsourcing may not be the best fit for an organization. For example, if your company already has a robust internal HR team – one that can manage all aspects of HR with efficiency and expertise, then maintaining these functions in-house might be more advantageous. However, even this situation isn’t as cut-and-dry as it seems. Some companies choose to outsource time-consuming, administrative HR tasks so their internal HR team can focus on more strategic responsibilities, like conflict resolution, employee training and engagement, and developing the company culture.

        Why do companies outsource HR?

        While the decision to outsource can be driven by various factors, several key reasons for HR outsourcing consistently benefit businesses, including:

        • Cost savings achieved by leveraging economies of scale for employee benefits packages and reducing the need for specialized in-house HR staff.
        • Efficiency gains by offloading administrative tasks like payroll and compliance, allowing internal teams to focus on higher-value activities.
        • Access to HR expertise and the latest technology without in-house investment.
        • Better, more affordable employee benefits. HR outsourcing providers like PEOs leverage their group purchasing power to secure businesses access to a wider range of high-quality employee benefits at a competitive cost.
        • Flexibility in scaling HR services to match business growth or downsizing needs. HR outsourcing allows you to easily adjust your HR support up or down, ensuring you have the right level of expertise without unnecessary overhead costs.
        • Ability to focus on core activities by freeing up internal resources for more strategic and revenue-generating business initiatives.

        What companies outsource HR?

        There’s an HR outsourcing option for every company and in any industry and when you should outsource HR can vary based on your business needs. While small and mid-sized businesses may seek full-service solutions to eliminate the need for internal HR staff, larger companies may choose to outsource one or a few HR functions.

        Outsourcing allows companies of all sizes to access specialized HR services, expertise and advanced technology that may be too costly to develop in-house. So, whether you need support with payroll, benefits administration, ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations, or all of the above – outsourcing HR allows you and your team to focus more on strategic goals and core competencies.

        How to switch HR outsourcing providers

        If you’re currently with an HR outsourcing company, but you’re considering a move to new provider, making the switch may seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. With the right (new) partner, making that move can be extremely beneficial and the process of making that change can be made as smooth as possible.

        But first, start by assessing why your current provider isn't meeting your needs—whether it's inadequate client service, outdated technology, or a lack of expertise. Once you've identified these gaps, research potential new providers like G&A Partners that offer personalized, scalable HR solutions tailored to your business.

        Begin by scheduling a consultation with the new provider to discuss your specific needs and expectations. During this phase, it's crucial to outline your goals and the services you require, ensuring the new provider can offer the solutions you need, that align with your company's objectives.

        Next, plan the transition carefully. G&A, for example, assigns a dedicated Onboarding Team Lead to guide you through each step, answer questions, and ensure a seamless transition. This includes transferring employee data, setting up new systems, and training your team on any new processes or technologies.

        Finally, maintain open communication with your new provider to ensure that all your HR needs are continuously met. With the right support, moving to a new HR outsourcing provider can be a straightforward process that ultimately leads to improved service, better employee satisfaction, and more efficient HR management.

        How G&A Can Help

        G&A Partners delivers world-class HR solutions that help build thriving businesses. To learn more about how your business can benefit by outsourcing your HR to a PEO, contact our HR experts.