Interviewing is a critical part of the hiring process. It allows you to evaluate candidates to determine if they’re a good fit, and it also gives those same candidates the ability to gauge their level of interest in your company, and the open position. To get all of the necessary information you need out of the process, it’s important to develop a comprehensive, effective interview strategy that’s customized to your organization’s specific needs.
Interviewing best practices that help you find and hire more qualified employees
The most productive interviews follow a clear script, focusing on direct and revealing questions relevant to the requirements of the open position. To help you determine whether a candidate has the experience and skills to perform the duties of a particular position, G&A’s recruitment experts can help you craft a targeted approach to interviews, with questions that support the responsibilities and expectations established in the job description.
Stay on top of legal guidelines during interviewing and throughout the entire recruiting process
It’s important to properly plan and vet your candidate search and hiring processes so that you eliminate practices that might put you at risk for discrimination claims, negligent hiring, or noncompliance with labor and employment laws. By implementing and following carefully constructed hiring policies and procedures, you can ensure that you’re protected against costly litigation. G&A will work with you to identify and avoid any weaknesses in your recruitment process, so you can focus your attention on finding the right person for the job.