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Next Steps

Your company must complete all of the following steps before your first payroll can be processed in G&A's payroll system:

  1. Complete and return a "Client Manager Security Form" for each of the users who will need manager security access.
  2. Provide missing employee email addresses (if applicable) on the email address report sent to you by your Payroll Specialist.
  3. Have client managers attend a training session on G&A's technology suite.
  4. Download and distribute the G&A Technology Suite Manager & Employee User Guides to the applicable members of your team.

On-Demand Training Videos for G&A's Technology Suite

For more in depth training on specific functions you'll need to complete within the system, you can navigate to each specific function by clicking on the chapters on the right side of the training videos.

If you'd like to review a reporting feature the presenter mentioned in the training session, you can do so by watching the on-demand recording of this training.