Webinar Recap: Understanding Today’s Job Market for Improved Recruiting

Despite layoffs in some industries, it’s still a candidate-driven market where jobs are abundant and top-tier candidates are difficult to obtain. But business owners can improve recruiting by adjusting their hiring strategies based on candidate expectations. In G&A’s webinar, “Understanding Today’s Job Market for Improved Recruiting,” our recruiting experts Eleesha Martin and Leigh Rozelle provide insights on the market, what candidates are seeking, and best practices for recruiting.

Martin breaks down today’s unusual and complicated job market, including a widening skills gap that makes upskilling and reskilling current employees more important. The demand for talent is a result of unexpected booms and increases in growth across some industries. And though many employers are having difficulty filling positions, the specific challenges they are facing vary by industry, says Rozelle.

Knowing job candidate expectations and adjusting your hiring process and hiring strategies to meet those expectations can help business owners improve recruiting. Martin and Rozelle share these tips and more in the webinar:

  • Before advertising for a position, think about your specific needs and ensure the job description matches those needs.
  • To expand the pool of candidates, use inclusive language in job descriptions and consider including transferable skills rather than focusing on restrictive requirements that may exclude qualified candidates.
  • When advertising positions, assess which job boards or social media will yield the best results for the position and industry.
  • Devise a sourcing strategy. AI, job fairs, and networking events are all opportunities to cast a wider net and build a pipeline of future candidates.
  • Review and streamline your hiring process, then be sure to showcase what makes your organization stand out throughout the process. Ensure communication is timely throughout the process.

You can access the full webinar above and download the slides here. It has been pre-certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) for one hour of HR general recertification credit. To earn HRCI recertification credit, you must watch the video above in its entirety and follow the instructions to request your credit.

If you have additional questions after viewing the presentation or need help tackling your HR needs, let’s talk soon. For other resources, go to G&A Partner’s website and submit questions to info@gnapartners.com.


G&A Partners is a leading professional employer organization that offers world-class HR services and a team of experts who can help you navigate employment issues and initiatives such as recruiting and retention. Please schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable business advisors to learn more.